In consonance with the realization of national needs and aspirations (industrial development and technological emancipation), the aim and objectives of the Agricultural and Environmental Engineering training are to meet these needs and to provide graduates with sufficient academic background and practical experience. The aim of the Degree Programmes in Agricultural as well as in Environmental Engineering is to provide skills and knowledge that will enable graduates to apply and adapt engineering technology to solve agricultural and environmental problems. Graduates are expected to be self-employed. Objectives The objectives of the Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Programmes are: The aim of the Degree Programmes in Agricultural as well as in Environmental Engineering is to provide skills and knowledge that will enable graduates to apply and adapt engineering technology to solve agricultural and environmental problems. Graduates are expected to be self-employed. Objectives The objectives of the Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Programmes are: • To train competent professionals in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering in adequate number and quality, • To provide innovative solutions to Agricultural and Environmental Engineering related problems, • To increase knowledge by carrying out basic, applied and adaptive research, • To increase or protect agricultural production by providing suitable environment for growth, harvesting, processing, transportation and storage, • To maintain or change the natural characteristics of biological products for a particular use, • To improve integrated waste management and • To reduce the physical drudgery and provide desirable amenities for agricultural workers. • To train competent professionals in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering in adequate number and quality, • To provide innovative solutions to Agricultural and Environmental Engineering related problems, • To increase knowledge by carrying out basic, applied and adaptive research, • To increase or protect agricultural production by providing suitable environment for growth, harvesting, processing, transportation and storage, • To maintain or change the natural characteristics of biological products for a particular use, • To improve integrated waste management and • To reduce the physical drudgery and provide desirable amenities for agricultural workers. A graduate of Agricultural as well as Environmental Engineering must have competencies that include but not limited to maintenance of processing machines, postharvest technology, water resources management, waste management, renewable energy technology, mechanisation of the agricultural production chain, climate control in livestock buildings.